Who we are
Collaborating Centre for labour research, Chulalongkorn University (CU-ColLaR), established in 2019 is a collaboration between Chulalongkorn University and the Ministry of Labour. We commit ourselves to realising the principles of decent work for all workers. We seek to attain this as a platform for research and knowledge production and dissemination and for cooperation between stakeholders within the local and global community.
What we believe
Knowledges involve all disciplines.
Labour policies and practices should be based on evidence and research.
All stakeholders should be included.
Decent work is a human right.
The future of work is the future of humanity
Chulalongkorn University collaborated with the Ministry of Labor in 2019 to realize decent work-based policies and practices through research and knowledge production and dissemination, and coordination between the stakeholders within the local and global community.
To attain this goal, our diverse stakeholders are of utmost importance. As for the research and knowledge production, we involve researchers from all disciplines to encourage extensive study on labor-related issues. Parallel to this, the researchers are provided with capacity building activities, such as seminars, conference, and researcher’s development program (Power BI and Social Network for Data Analysis Workshop; Publication Workshop). To realize research and evidence-based policies and practices, all stakeholders should be implicated. In order to achieve this, CU-ColLaR acts as a coordinator at the national level. The coordination has been made by facilitating dialogue platform among stakeholders—both on site and online—(Seminar Series on Guidelines to the Post Covid-19 Adaptation of Thai labor). In relation to the policy makers, we jointly elaborated research and evidence-based policy briefs and developing database with the government sectors (Guidelines to the Post Covid-19 Adaptation of Thai labor in collaboration with the Senate Standing Committee on Labor; Labor-related research database), and provided them with organizational capacity building to the Ministry of Labor to promote the innovative implementation of research and evidence-based policy and practices (Design Thinking Workshop with DOE).
We aim, through CU-ColLaR, for decent work of the future of work, which we believe will lead to a sustainable society.